Above is the real 1965 GT350R from Barrett Jackson Scottsdale 2018 Here is a neat…
As many of you who follow my content know I recently decided to sell my Race Red Shelby GT350. This was a very difficult decision because the Race Red GT350 was the sole reason why I started doing Youtube videos. I did the videos because of all the frustration and negative things being said about this very special car so I wanted to take the time to share my real experiences with the world and explain to people why you buy this particular car. I am not some paid journalist or some wanna be famous personality looking to entertain the world with no talent. This is getting really played out on social media these days with the fakery and everyone trying to be famous. I am simply a passionate automotive car guy with a very comprehensive technical and automotive engineering background that nobody on social media can duplicate. I take everything I do within the automotive realm very seriously and take a much more methodical approach in how I explain things in a real world context. I never wanted my channel and content to be focused on me or how I look but purely my experiences and knowledge to share with the world. I have over 30 years of experience in the automotive world; manufacturing, custom car building, motorsports engineering and being hands on is truly injected in every single thing I do daily and talk about and share through the Auto Fanatic media platforms. The Shelby GT350 is not a car for everyone but my content has sure cemented a different perspective on the world as to the passion for such a car and understanding the ownership experience. My videos of my Race Red Shelby GT350 have persuaded THOUSANDS of new fans to go out and buy their very own Shelby GT350. The thank you emails I get daily over this subject matter really touches home with me on a very personal and emotional level. Selling the Race Red GT350 was also a very personal decision because it’s more than just a car to someone like me. The Race Red Shelby GT350 symbolizes the American Dream of me being a true entrepreneur who took a car and lifelong passion and created a successful worldwide brand. Considering where my social media for Auto Fanatic started and where it is today in just a short 2 year time span it would never have been possible without the Race Red Shelby GT350 content I created from the very start. Not only is the Race Red Shelby GT350 a special car but it’s symbolic of what and who Auto Fanatic is around the world. This car started an international brand not only for Auto Fanatic Car Care but for an abundance of special products and services I now offer to my worldwide audience. The clients, the friends and experiences this Race Red Shelby GT350 brought to my life can not even be explained in words but having thousands of fans tuning in regularly to hear my voice, understand my passion, see my hands on fabrication and a myriad of skills really has changed my life in so many ways.
So what made me buy a Shelby GT350R? Well if you have not tuned it go head over to my Youtube channel as I highlight the delivery of my new car and really go into very personal detail as to what made me do this. I feel the timing was right. The Race Red Shelby GT350 is going to a good home, one of my most supportive and best clients and someone I can consider a friend that I have met through this entire roller coaster of Auto Fanatic will be getting the car. I will keep his information confidential but he stumbled upon my videos from the very beginning because he wanted my advice if he can drive a Shelby GT350 to work daily, my first response was YES Do it and thank me later. We chatted and he realized wow you can actually drive this car daily. So low and behold he purchased his very own Shelby GT350 and has enjoyed the car daily for two full years. We have shared conversations almost daily on life, cars, family, dogs and the future. I have injected so much automotive passion back into this persons life that he is now reliving his childhood memories with cars and reconnecting with his car buddies he grew up around. He has learned how to master Auto Fanatic car care, he has learned how to wrench and do his own work on cars and so forth and he is purely living an Automotive Lifestyle now and enjoying every moment of it thanks to my content. This means a lot to me that sharing just a glimpse of my life has resonated with so many people around the world that my craziness is rubbing off on so many in a good way. New friends are being made, new connections formed and new experiences and most importantly of all there are no boundaries amongst true Auto Fanatics! He has not only believed in me and what I am all about but truly appreciates every single thing I discuss, every product I craft and create and is clearly one of my Super Fans so what better way to round this out by having him become the new care taker of the famous Auto Fanatic Shelby GT350
So Stay tuned for a new chapter amongst Shelby GT350 owners now with the inclusion of my new Shelby GT350R in Kona Blue. I am excited to start this new journey now that my confidence level with social media has gone up so much since my very first video who knows maybe soon enough in 2020 you may see more of me in my actual videos going forward. hmmm stay tuned and thanks again for all the continued support, positive outreach and kind words. I will also be sharing the entire process of getting my Race Red Shelby GT350 prepared for transport so you gotta catch that video in a few days on the Auto Fanatic Youtube Channel.
Head over to the Auto Fanatic Youtube channel to watch the final Shelby GT350 video.
Above is the real 1965 GT350R from Barrett Jackson Scottsdale 2018 Here is a neat…
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